

by Lisa Molina

Not so long ago, people thought the old relics died with new high tech ways; compact, digital, not even tangible.   Streaming in the air, but only if you have Wi-fi, not Hi-fi.
I remember well waiting months, weeks, days for the release,standing outside in moonlight  doors unlocked at midnight.Oh, how I wanted that first one!
Taking it back to my dorm roomlongingly looking at the cover artforeshadowing the alchemy yet to come.
Finally, the cosmic moment-Sliding the shiny onyx treasure gently out of the sleeve.
Careful! Don’t smudge it with your fingerprints!
Setting it on the round table as the diamond tip of vision settled into that groove of groovesto read and hear the 
rhythms/words/rhymes/meters/yearnings/betrayals/triumphs/ecstasies/lovers/breakups/reunionsall while spinning round round round hypnotizing the ears and eyes of my mind. Sometimes, a revolutionary change,for you knew this was The Onethat would seal the legacy forever. 
And now, these holy relicsare sought by collectors;Special release dates! Alive again!
All so this new generation can attempt to come close to the sacrament of that first Receiving.
Some of us wise old-timers preservedthose holy relics of our youth on shelves.
These days they are precious stories to be told and retold through generations.
And, for that, we are cooler than cool.


Featured in our September 2021 issue, "Nostalgia"