The Written Imagination

The Written Imagination

by Jessica Doble

From found words at the Moog Synthesizer Factory in Asheville, NC

Dreams in art are resonanceFrom a heartThrough modes that sustain
The flourishing pen throughthe gate length where no road endsPaths unfurl before us

in enveloping rotted vinesA shimmering heat off baked Grecian wallsGloomy abbeys and sun lit plateausa cacophony of songbirds

We attend to the stars behind our eyesThe gliding swirling skirts Ballet shoes trip through vivid wordsNotes, wood tipped and paisley-dipped
Where only the imagination can Rectangulate on a destination set Wherein we find weathered roots wind-exposedOr a galaxy between the heavens.
For we know, us writers, imaginers,Lovers, and dreamers,Wherever the sign goes,The meaning will follow.


Featured in our May 2023 issue, "Craft Fair"