Anywhere but Here

Anywhere but Here

by I. Armwood

fingers tightly squeezed togetherdesperate to hold the moon-reflecting water                                 the place of escape and astronomical beautyperhaps if my fingers fused together i could use the water as a portal to the stars
they say when you’re at the bottom there’s nowhere to go but upbut what about when you’re at the tippy-top                                                               is there only down
down here i’m always walking on egg shellsbut up there it feels like my wings will never let me touch the surface                                            i become a celestial being                                                                 free from disappointed eyes                                                                                   expectations                                                                                   failure
i can only hope Saturn will share her ring with me                             or Mars will melt his polar ice caps to make room for mefrom here i can take comfort in Venus’ short visibility on Earthi can squeeze my fingers a little tighter to make home for the moon’s reflection


Featured in our August 2021 issue, "Celestial"