What the Tide Brought In

What the Tide Brought In

by Sam Ken

Oil on 10x20 Canvas

Methods: Underpainting, Semi Impasto, Semi Impressionist Brush Strokes 

Inspiration: The inspiration for my work came from visits to the beach and aquarium during my time in California. There is a peace, serenity, and constant change in underwater life, and I am always interested in capturing that in the scenic art I create. The beauty in this scene rests in the colors and the harmony of life that is depicted. It captures a unique moment in time that cannot be exactly repeated. There is a rhythm to life, and that rhythm involves change. Now more than ever, we have all accepted changes, and personal growth is a part of that. I only recently started painting full time, to see how far I can take my art. Scary at times, but who knows what the tide will bring.


Featured in our January 2021 issue, "Changes"